Friday Jan 02, 2015
Genesis 2-3 Adam and Eve
Friday Jan 02, 2015
Friday Jan 02, 2015
This Bible study opens with St. Paul's discussion of the first Adam who brought sin into the world and the New Adam, Jesus Christ, who set the world free from sin. Adam's sin creates the need for redemption and so sets in motion God's plan of salvation. In many ways the story of Adam and Eve is the foundation, not just of Christianity, but of all religion everywhere, as it forms the outline of all religion. Man enjoyed a relationship with God. That relationship was severed by sin. That relationship must be restored. Join Father Ed as he explains how important a proper understanding of sin and the fall is to understanding our salvation through Christ.
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Genesis 1 Creation
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
This Bible study reflects on the meaning and impact of the creation story of Genesis Chapter 1. How can we best understand this story in light of recent scientific advancements? How does it relate to Saint John's prologue to his gospel? How does it reflect my relationship with Christ and the natural world? Join Father Ed as he discusses these very important topics.